Hiring Leaders –
AI is a beautiful thing. It empowers us to work smart, maximizing productivity.
But with the benefits, comes the downfalls.
The reality is, your CRM system may be rejecting qualified candidates and it’s worth the time to stop and evaluate.
A leading contributor to this conundrum is the job description itself.
So often I find that companies are recycling old job descriptions – – meaning an opening comes up on your team, and in a rush to start the hiring process, you dig up the latest version of the job description – – load it to your CRM, blast it to your network and wait for applicants to apply.
But stop for a moment and ask yourself:
👉What are the essential duties of the job?
👉How have they changed over time?
👉Are there skills listed on the previous description that are no longer relevant to the role?
👉 Are there skills that have not been required in the past, but would be beneficial to the role?
👉What hard and soft skills are needed to perform to job?
👉What personality type will fit into your work culture?
Taking time to slow down before you speed up will save you time and money – – – and the mishap of losing out on qualified candidates from the start.
Not to mention, a well-written job description is a great intro to your employment brand!
If you feel your hiring process is falling short, or are looking for new ideas to revamp your outreach – – I’m happy to chat. Here’s a link to my calendar.